Thursday, October 9, 2008


Groups such as Green Peace claim to be all about the environment. "Save the trees", they say. "Save the polar bears", they say. "Stop using gasoline", they say. They seem to be missing something though, one world. One very, very important word. You.

Add that to what they say and it loses some of it's charm, wouldn't you agree? "You save the trees, You save the polar bears, You stop using gasoline."

"What are you taking about, they are doing more for the environment then anyone else!" Really? Is that your argument? If they are so concerned about the environment, why won't they let us drill off shore? More oil is released into the ocean through natural fissures in the ground than by human means. That can be reduced if we drill and relieve the pressure. Interesting isn't it. Here is another one: China is now the largest polluter in the world, but they are drilling right of our coast with Cuba. Not once has anyone come out to condemn this. Ok, you want something else? One of the most liberal Senators in Congress would not let wind farms be built eight miles from his house, out in the ocean because he might be able to see it. Yes, that just happened.

It seems that these sorts of people are OK with asking the rest of the population to make sacrifices, but don't you dare expect the same from them.

While the rest of us are trying to fuel up our cars, they are being chauffeured around in air conditioned SUV's... even the mighty Al Gore, messiah of the greenies. Check out the link on the right if you do not believe me.

What does all this have to do with diesel? Oh, I don't know how about better reliability + better fuel efficiency vs. "(you) don't use diesel, it is bad for the environment." You be the judge.

Here is the icing on the cake:

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