Monday, September 15, 2008

Before we enter into the current debate about diesel, I think that it is important to clarify the substance itself. Diesel can be divided into two distinct categories: diesel that is manufactured through the use if petroleum and diesel that is manufactured with bio-products. The latter is more commonly known as bio-diesel. In upcoming posts I'll go deeper into each and compare them to current technology on the road.

As stated previously, I think that diesel is a key component of making this country energy independent. Granted, the emissions from petroleum diesel release more particulates into the atmosphere, the opposite is true for bio-diesel. Of course, I want to be fair in all aspects of this so I included links to sites supporting both sides of the argument:

These websites are from legitimate organizations. Again, it is all in the spirit of fairness. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find anyone that does not have a bias, but I did my best.

Obviously, these websites are also more environment related than energy related. I wanted you to look through those first before I moved on to my next point: it takes less energy to create a gallon of diesel versus a gallon of gasoline. Basically, we are wasting energy creating energy. I know what you are thinking, "why, then, is diesel so expensive." Well, the answer is simple: supply and demand. More people use gasoline. Maybe I'm crazy, but the better reliability and fuel economy that comes with a diesel engine seems to be the clear winner. That is what all of the automotive companies are trying to perfect right now.

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